5 Habits of Rich People (That Poor Don’t Know)

Kovid Panthy
4 min readSep 12, 2020


5 Habits of Rich People

Why Are Some People Rich And Some People Poor?

Their Family Background? Their Academics? Their Connections? Their Location of Living?

Well, maybe these aspects play vital role to some extent but these are NOT the major factor that determines someone’s success financially.

Based on my research of over 5 years, I have found that the only thing that determines someone’s successful and mediocre life is….


Yes, Habits. Period.

It’s not where you come from or what is your family background. None of those. The key factor that determines rich and poor is your habit.

“Show me your HABITS, and I will show you your FUTURE”

- Kovid Panthy

Let’s see what are those crucial habits of rich people which poor people have no clue about.

1. Waking Up Early

My research shows that most of the rich people wake up between 3:30 AM to 5:30 AM. For some people, it could mean 7:00AM. But NO! Strictly EARLY! Why? It’s because, when you wake up early in the morning, there is no one to disturb which gives you enough time to pay a closer attention to your habits and to your works. In short, YOU CAN THINK MORE!

This also gives you more time to perform rich habits like rich people.

2. Meditation

If I will list down all the benefits of meditation then this article will be 5000 words. ACTUALLY, I CAN WRITE A WHOLE BOOK ON IT. Meditation can help you in many different ways. Most rich people like Bill Gates, Kobe Bryant, Michael Jordan and many more meditate in daily basis.

Make a habit of meditating at least once a day.

It’s not a rocket science and you need not be a genius to do it. Just sit in a comfortable position and close your eyes and increase your consciousness. That’s it. It is that simple.

3. Exercise

As mind, your body is also very crucial part to take care of. Where meditation is exercise of mind, you should also do some work out for your body. Making your body healthy is really important.

Specially in these hard times, it’s really important to take care of your health. If you get suffered from any chronic diseases, your dream of being wealthy and rich will be destroyed.

So, prevention is better than cure. Start Working Out From Today!

4. Read Books

Bill Gates reads an hour a day, Warren Buffett reads 4 hours a day, and I can go on and on. Reading books can help you increase your knowledge and intellect to perform right task and take right decision. When you have more knowledge, it’ll be easier for you to take action and reach to your destination of being rich.

Just reading books won’t make you rich. But if you read and implement what you’ve read, then it’ll make a significant difference in your life and in your business.

Start a habit of reading books at least 30 minutes a day and commit yourself to it.

5. Journaling

What is journaling? No, it has nothing to do with journalism. Well, somehow yes but not with press and stuffs like that.

Journaling means simply, WRITING.

Now, some of you will say, Oh Kovid, I am not a “PROFESSIONAL WRITER”.

Do you know what, that’s your advantage. You don’t have to be a professional writer to write something.

Take a pen and a diary and start writing whatever comes to your mind. You can write your dreams, your plans, your strategy or your next business model.

BONUS HABIT: Listening

This one is really important. Listening not only improves your receptivity. But also makes you able to grasp as much information as possible. Listening is way more efficient than reading.

But the question comes here, WHAT TO LISTEN?

Problem Solved!

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Which means, you have nothing to loose.

The question is, if you want to be rich sign up right now for AUDIBLE HERE. Or regret later and blame yourself for being poor.

Watch This Video, Where I Go Deep Into It:

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