Things I Learned From 1 Year Of Entrepreneurial Journey

Kovid Panthy
6 min readFeb 9, 2020

The definition of Entrepreneur, In My Opinion, is a person who has a legally incorporated venture, is innovative, has his own competitive edge, and is willing to take the risk. I just want to add one more point and that is every entrepreneur must have a long term vision. So, I would say these are the characteristics of an Entrepreneur. It’s been 1 year since I have started my legally incorporated venture. Prior to that, I’d tried many things. I have done many different things ranging from digital marketing to social media. I had been into dropshipping, affiliate marketing, blogging, online marketing, etc. These all kinda worked and kinda failed. I already had my website called “Techsamaj” which means to be Tech Society in my native language, “Nepali”.

Last year, I finally legally registered the company and named it as, “Techsamaj Web Pvt. Ltd.” The word ‘WEB’ got there cause there was a rule that the company’s objective should be shown in the name. Sounds Funny, right? But that’s what it is in Nepal. Then we successfully completed our national conference in Nepal. (By The Way, we are also doing an International Conference this June 13th. I would welcome you there. Learn More About IYETC Here)

I have learned many things in this 1 year of OFFICIALLY being an Entrepreneur (Though I was already pursuing it myself previously. 1 year is the legal political duration). If you are also an Entrepreneur or thinking to be an Entrepreneur, just let me know what are your learnings, you can contact me on Instagram. So, here it goes.

1. Consistency Is King

This is the thing I learned when I was trying to boost my social media, mainly YouTube and Instagram. You need to be consistent in whatever you do. You have to hustle consistently if you are hustling, you have to learn consistently if you are learning. If you don’t take action consistently, you fail. That’s what happened to me as well. Why do you think very fewer people succeed? — The answer is because they keep on doing there work with consistency.

2. Failure Is The Checkpoint In The Road Of Success

Many people will think, “Another Hypothesis”. But no it’s neither hypothetical nor philosophical but it’s actual. In these years of my self-development (not only entrepreneurship), I came to know that failure is a sure thing. If a person is on the road to improving himself/herself (not only succeeding), then he/she should be happy about the failures that come in between. Because failures are the pillars of the checkpoint that will give you a hint that you are one step ahead in the road of success. Many people get discouraged but you should always remember that it is a CHECKPOINT.

3. Having Mentors Helps A Lot

I used to disagree with this statement a few years back. But now I think, I am writing this statement because now my belief system changed into the correct one. Mentors are those who have experienced what you are doing already. It can be your mommy, daddy, uncle, aunt, subject teacher, role model, etc. But you must understand what to learn and what to UNLEARN. Because there might be something that they are unknown and you are known and they try to say that thing is bad. Always make sure that you analyze whatever you take as an input and take action on it.

4. Time Flies

Well, I have gone through many hard and bad times now be it a business issue, taxation issue, family issue, social issue, internal issue, and so forth and so on. When I try to look back and see those issues I see no reason to be sad or demotivated because today I don’t have those issues. Why? Because Time Flies. Because whatever you experienced was there to build your portfolio of experience not to stick with you permanently. Now you might be thinking, I have an issue, not resolved for the last 10 years. My answer to you is — Wait for another 10 years if it doesn’t get resolved there is something you might need to change.

5. Whether You Think You Can Or You Can’t, It’s True.

This is one of the best quotes from Henry Ford is this:

Whether You Think You Can Or You Can’t, You’re Right!

I 111% AGREE with this statement. Because I have experienced this. There is a small voice that comes from inside telling you can you do anything or not. Many people call it GUT, Sixth Sense or Any Other Name. But that voice will always be true. Because it comes from your belief system. Any action you take will either succeed or fail, depending upon your belief system and belief system will give you what I call, “Pre-Hint”.

6. Success Leaves Clues

Success Does Leave Clues. You will see the trace of a successful person way before he is successful. This is because success is not the thing that you can inherent by marrying a rich girl/boy, it’s not the thing that you can get by relaxing on your couch and watching NETFLIX. It’s the thing which you can get by hard work, smart choices and lots of ups and downs which you will be able to see if you are on the road to success.

7. Two Plus Two Sometimes Becomes 10

What I mean by, Two Plus Two Sometimes Becomes 10 is that sometimes you can achieve huge results by doing small works also. So, it’s not like, if you do this, you will get this. The entrepreneurship is not like that. For some 2 + 2 will be equal to 10 For Some 10 + 10 will equal to 2. But you have to always remember my 4th Point.

8. Entrepreneurship Can Sometimes Be Headache Until You Do This

Well, Entrepreneurship is interesting, it is fascinating. But this doesn’t mean that everybody should get into it. Because personal horizon differs from person to person. So, Entrepreneurship will be a big headache if you just dive into it without knowing what it takes to be an Entrepreneur. It’s like, diving into a swimming pool without knowing how deep it is. So, to overcome this situation, you must master at least ONE Skill, which you can give to the marketplace. Try to choose the higher scope skill. By Skill, I don’t mean profession I mean hard skills be it, coding, ethical hacking, writing, sales, recruitment, consulting, public speaking, etc. These skills pay you with hard dollars. And this can help you when you have empty pockets and your business is not well established to make you living income.

9. Why Aren’t You Successful?

In Entrepreneurship, I have found that questioning helps you a lot. And this is the crucial question to ask yourself, “Why I am not Successful?” Or at least, “Why I Am Not Even Getting Closer?”. I have said this in my previous point number, 4. That Sometimes It Can Be For Your Experience. But sometimes if you think why I am not getting what I desire to get, then maybe it’s time to UNLEARN some of your believes that might have been preventing you from becoming the person you want to be. You have to take the time to analyze it.

10. Don’t Think This Is Last

The last point is, Don’t Think This Is Last. Hehe Sounds Funny, Right? I strategized it to make to look funny but I am speaking the truth. Sometimes, you might think this is the last and everything is finished but, you should never think that it’s last. Because Miracle Can Happen Even at The Last Moment. I am not talking about a positive miracle only. Sometimes, it can be a negative miracle too. For example, you might think, you have accumulated enough wealth, and tomorrow you wake up, all your stock bonds went to bankruptcy, all the real estate property you owned, were declared a governmental asset by the state, all the money in the bank got lost due to the bank being declared as Bankrupt. See, our assets are interlinked with many other factors or people not only ourselves.


These are the major things I have learned during my road to self-development and success. I am still traveling and in my unit of measurement, I am at least 1 mile away from my starting point and within this 1 mile, I have had many checkpoints. Let me know how much you have travelled in your unit of measurement and how many checkpoints you have faced.



Kovid Panthy

Entrepreneur, Python Tutor, Copywriter and Blog Content Writer